
Football Manager => FM - Downloads => Grafiken / Graphics => Thema gestartet von: ianvou am 20.November 2021, 21:29:38

Titel: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: ianvou am 20.November 2021, 21:29:38
I'm back for 2nd year in row, helping my way for a more realistic experience with Dani's file!

Logos are made in standard style, hope you like it!

If you already use a megapack (which normally you do aseverybody does) just rename the folder inside the graphics starting, lets say with letter ''A'' so FM can read it first and the logos will appear in game (For example rename the folder something like this: A.Deutschland 6 Ebene logopack

Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: ianvou am 11.Dezember 2021, 23:09:14
Danke schön - Thank You - interesting Stuff, i think.
Edit: i checked, all are include also in metallic logos pack
you know that?

Hi, personally i do not use metallic logos and no i didnt know that. I prefer the tcm logopack where i am also a contributor. Last year i made also a competition logopack for Dani's file here, so its my 2nd year here creating the pack. It seems that these competitions are now in the original database i guess! Anyway this pack is not obligatory for anyone to download it, it is just a small thank Dani's efforts!
Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: Armamaddon am 12.Dezember 2021, 22:10:23
Thanks :)    now i changed my Structure:   ....\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\graphics\pictures\logos

a_COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI Deutschland File (for your Information: inside that, is your Folder calls: Competitions)
c_metallic logos

Result: your Competition Logos loads first and not the Competition Files, that has metallic logo in their pack include..
TCM also has these graphics included in the newest pack
Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: Shareef am 25.August 2022, 00:07:12
der Link funktioniert leider nicht mehr :(
Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: Kruj am 25.August 2022, 15:39:10
der Link funktioniert leider nicht mehr :(

Die Logos sollten alle in Schweigi's Standard Logopack enthalten sein, zu finden auf Sortitoutsi.
Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: Shareef am 26.August 2022, 09:35:44
der Link funktioniert leider nicht mehr :(

Die Logos sollten alle in Schweigi's Standard Logopack enthalten sein, zu finden auf Sortitoutsi.

dort leider das selbe Problem
Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: Armamaddon am 26.August 2022, 11:59:20
die sind bei TCM enthalten
Titel: Re: [FM22] - COMPETITION LOGO PACK FOR DANI'S Deutschland-File 6 Ebene
Beitrag von: affe1802 am 14.Februar 2024, 21:28:48
Update original Landes Pokal Mecklenburg Vorpommern (Lübzer Pils Cup)

Und bearbeitet damit das Logo bei normal gößer ist da das Original eine größere länge als höhe hat.